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The Cherry OrchardThe Cherry Orchard

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Book Descriptions :

Published to tie in with the world premiere at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin.In Chekhov's tragi-comedy - perhaps his most popular play - the Gayev family is torn by powerful forces, forces rooted deep in history, and in the society around them. Their estate is hopelessly in debt: urged to cut down their beautiful cherry orchard and sell the land for holiday cottages, they struggle to act decisively. Tom Murphy's fine vernacular version allows us to re-imagine the events of the play in the last days of Anglo-Irish colonialism. It gives this great play vivid new life within our own history and social consciousness. .

Book Details :

Author : Anton Chekhov

Pages : pages

Publisher : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 87346.The_Cherry_Orchard

ISBN-13 : 9780413774033


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