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Book Descriptions :

When Ethan saves the life of a Firestarter, it?s nothing unusual. He's the only Healer on-call in the hospital ? and that gunshot wound isn?t going to regenerate itself.But his patient turns out to be Corinna Arden, heiress to a pharmaceutical empire controlling Britain?s water supply. Her twin, Javier, is a man who (a) starts sending Ethan flowers at work, (b) seems terrified of a secret, and (c) has the cheekbones and earnestness to make up for both.Ethan indulges in what he thinks will be a brief and harmless romance but quickly finds himself knee-deep in a conspiracy involving murder, a drug cartel, and a bid for the lucrative reconstruction tender: Project Earthflown.Meanwhile, Oliver is a journalist who finds a dead body at the end of a too-convenient tip. Determined to follow the money, Oliver would also like to know what Javier Arden is doing on his couch.Earthflown is a character-driven speculative novel exploring the water crisis, hyper-privatisation, and love. Set in a .

Book Details :

Author : Frances Wren

Pages : 465 pages

Publisher : Studio Shoga

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 57164200-earthflown

ISBN-13 :


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